Where there is business, there is YC.Market: a fundamentally new market analysis

Market analysis is an exclusive YouControl tool for finding b2b customers, suppliers, and contractors and analysing market coverage. We have significantly expanded it. Now it is an independent tool for researching Ukrainian and European markets. We were the first to add data on the UK markets. Find out how the market analysis works now in this article.
Track changes and trends in the Ukrainian and British markets
New YC.Market has data on more than 7 million companies and individual entrepreneurs in Ukraine, 28 data search criteria, and an analytical report based on indicators of business success. And this is just the beginning. We have already added data on UK companies and plan to integrate data on firms in several European countries.

Data on UK markets is already available to users.
The following UK company data is now available:
- Registration data (Status, Country, City, Company type, Registration date)
- Data by types of business activity
- Economic activity (Finances, Turnover, Current assets, Employees, Cash at bank and in hand).
For Ukrainian companies:
- Registration data
- Types of business activity
- Data on economic activity
- Participation in public procurements
- Information on foreign trade operations
- Contacts.
Be the first to know about the creation of new companies
With the automatic monitoring function, you can learn about creating new companies and individual entrepreneurs and track the industries of businesses' registration. It is possible to view company registrations in real-time by region.

That is useful for understanding business trends. Such as we analysed the registrations of newly established companies and individual entrepreneurs in Ukraine over the past 2 months. As a result, we saw that Ukrainians registered thousands of companies and sole proprietorships during the blackout. We also learned that the most popular industries among newly created businesses are IT and retail.
Conduct competitive analysis, explore market coverage
In the Analytics section, you can see in which regions and cities there are companies from the area you are analysing. Look at the section to understand whether a branch in another region is worth opening.
Here is the distribution of companies by regions with "Construction" activity in Ukraine:

Distribution of companies by regions with "Construction" activity in the UK:

Also, in the Analytics section, you can see the range of revenue, imports and exports of the analysed companies and view the report results by company status. And the "most delightful" – to highlight the Top-10 companies in the analysed industry.
Learn about market leaders based on objective indicators
You should review the data in the Analytics section to select the Top-10 companies from the established report.
You no longer need to manually check Forbes lists, google data or follow your observations about the leaders among competitors or market leaders in a particular industry. YC.Market will identify the Top-10 in 1 minute by analysing various indicators of economic activity and company size for you. The analysis of Top-10 is also available in the for UK companies.
Expand your contact database for purchase and sales department
After selecting the necessary filters, we get the results in a report and can download it to a .xlsx file, even with contact details.
Segment and download data by the required parameters. There are 28 company search criteria and 8 data sorting options available.
Whom we have created YC.Market for
Banking sector
Due to YouControl.Market, you can quickly decide in which regions and cities it is advisable to open branches. In particular, we can assess which competitors are represented in the region or city.
Production, provision of services
Let's say the business has reached the limit when the inflow of new customers has slowed for an unknown reason. By NACE code, you can estimate the number of companies in the market, what share your business covers, who else can be a potential customer and which way to move.
And if you already know the companies you would like to cooperate with, you can look for specific contacts. It takes only a few clicks to collect data in YouControl.Market.
Conveniently, there is a counterparty risk assessment right away.
Procurement: commercial and public
One of the problems of public procurement is that more participants need to come to tenders. Entrepreneurs need to believe in the honesty of the tender or have no experience in preparing tender documentation, so they avoid participating in public procurement. Thanks to the search in YouControl.Market for participants of public tenders by CPV code (Common Procurement Vocabulary). We can offer even more potential participants for open tenders.
Exporters and importers
With YouControl.Market, we know all our competitors who export the same goods as we do, we can investigate the total volume of exports, and by selecting UCGFEA, we can examine year-over-year changes in volume.
If the market leader is not represented in any market, this is a reason to investigate why. That may be a new opportunity, or a detailed study may reveal that the market is closed for business for some reason.
Territorial communities and authorities
The community budget is the tax revenues from enterprises operating in the community. It is possible to predict tax revenues by observing how enterprises develop. It is also possible to identify promising industries and direct efforts to their development and encouragement of entrepreneurs.